Saturday, May 12, 2012

What makes you "Mom Enough"?

I've had a couple days to mull over the cover of TIME magazine.  If you haven't seen it, it is a photo of a svelte woman breastfeeding her almost 4 year old who is standing in a chair.  The tag-line..... Are YOU mom enough?  This photo has sparked SO much controversy.  Some were appalled at the age of the child breastfeeding.  I was appalled that it came across to women that they weren't mom enough if they didn't breastfeed to almost 4 years old and practice attachment parenting.  And I breastfeed and practice attachment parenting. 
Magazine cover in question
Courtesy TIME magazine

So what makes a mother "mom enough"?  Honestly as long as she does what is right for her family, she's mom enough in my eyes.  Being a mom is hard enough without constantly worrying if you are good enough. 

So you exclusively breastfeed, good job.  Oh, you supplement with formula, awesome.  What's that, you only formula feed?  Amazing.  Whether you babywear or use a stroller; cloth diaper or use sposies; vaccinate or not, you are MOM ENOUGH.  Same goes for co-sleeping or using a crib; working full-time, part-time or staying home; making baby's food or buying it, every choice you make for your child with their best interest at heart makes you the best mom in the world.

I saw another photo posted on Facebook and I don't know who credit goes to, but it says everything I've said here.  Don't worry about what the mom next door is doing.  Do your best and that's all that matters.
If you know who the credit goes to,
please let me know.