Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's been a long day

It has been one VERY long day.  Of course no different than any of my other days as a wife and mother.  I accomplished quite a bit today and have remained positive.  That's not gonna happen everyday even with "happy pills".  At this moment, my infant daughter is asleep and my husband has the other monkeys (as we call them) in the living room.  Sometimes a woman just needs time to herself.  It doesn't happen often. 

I use the computer between cleaning and cooking and childcare.  And as much as I get irritated at the hum-drum of doing the same thing day in and day out, I wouldn't trade my life for anything.  Well, maybe chocolate and a million dollars.  Ah, who am I kidding?  Everyone knows I live for my husband and kids.  Without them I really don't know who I'd be but I never want to find that out.

I make my kids mad but I know they love me.  I made them homemade pizza cupcakes for dinner and my 6 year old told me that I was awesome and he would never tell me he hated me again.  My boys, ages 6, 4, and 2, have a very bad habit of telling us they hate us when they are in trouble.  At first it really got to me, but now, well now I tell them I don't care.  I'm sure my mom is in heaven laughing at me cause I am paying for my raising.... and then some.

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