I toss and turn all night so I sleep maybe 4 hours, plus we co-sleep and Lexi is breastfed so that's factored in. And NO, I don't want to hear that she should be in her own bed.
So after not sleeping well, Wade's alarm (on my phone) goes off at 4:50 am. Chances are I've been awake awhile. I smack the phone to turn it off. Wade gets up and goes to the shower while I try to fall back asleep.
Just as I'm dozing off, my alarm goes back off at 6:25 am. Man, it's time to get the heathens, err kids, up for school. I stop off at the bathroom to tinkle. If Lexi is awake, I change her diaper. I peck Emily on the head to wake her, telling her, "Time to get up, Sis". She pulls the covers over her head. I sit in my recliner and tell her, "Emily, it's time to get up NOW. I know you're awake." I hear "Ugh!" But she sits up and gives me a dirty look. You'd think she was 16, not 10. By the time she's dressed, Joey and Kam are awake and half stomp, half-run into the living room. At least they are in a good mood.
At around 6:45, Keegan comes down from Paw Paw's to wait on the bus. All 4 older kids instantly start fighting. If Lexi is awake, they fight over who gets to hold her first. They fight, argue, bicker, and play with the baby until 7:15 am when it's finally (thank you God) time for Emily and Keegan to go wait on the bus. They fight the whole time until the bus arrives.
As soon as Emily and Keegan are on the bus, I get Joey ready for headstart. We watch for his bus to pull up next door around 7:30 am. I pick Lexi up, grab Kam's hand, and we head over to the bus. All the way, I'm reminding Kam NOT to climb on the bus and to stand right next to me while I sign Joey on the bus. We race back to the house and more often than not, Kam hides behind a bush so we play "I can't see you, where'd you go?"
We get back in the house and I turn on my computer and find him some cartoons to watch. I put Lexi in the floor to play and ask Kam what he wants to eat. I take my birth control pill and allergy pill. We eat and play some. Around 8:00-8:30 am, Lexi gets tired, so I nurse her to sleep. Kam whines about wanting to pee off the porch but the door's locked. I growl at him to use the bathroom. He gets the paddle, unlocks the door, and pees off the porch. UGH!
Once again he starts whining, this time about the cartoon coming on. I change it, he doesn't like the new one, I change it again. Ok, he's happy but now Lexi's awake. I change her and put her down to play. I realize Kam has on no shorts or underwear so we get him some because he says his others are wet. As I'm walking from the living room to the bedroom, I pick up stray clothes since the kids think the living room and kitchen look like a hamper. Get Kam's clean clothes on and start a load of laundry. I stop in the kitchen to throw away all the trash Wade left on the counter last night and the kids left on it this morning. The trash can is 4 feet away!!!
I gather up the dirty dishes from last night cause yes, I am that lazy. I may or may not do dishes today. I yell at Kam to get out of the bathroom, stop climbing, get out of the fridge, or get back in the house. Now it's time for lunch so we eat. Lexi slaps at my food since I'm not feeding her. I give her a bite and she spits it out. Lunch is over so I put Lexi down. She starts crying so I pick her up and we tend to the laundry. I take yesterday's clothes out of the dryer, put them in our room, and put the clothes out of the washer into the dryer and turn it on.
Now I've gotta pee so I go in the bathroom to find a random mess Kam has made. I clean it up while Lexi screams from being tired again. I give the bathroom a wipedown and head to the living room. I sit down in my recliner, nurse Lexi, and she falls asleep. Dangit, I forgot to pee. I quietly and carefully get up and head to the bathroom holding a sleeping, nursing baby. AHHH sweet relief. Lexi naps, I surf the net, and Kam watches cartoons in between climbing, jumping, and playing with his toys.
Now it's about 1:30 pm and time to get Joey off the bus. Again I warn Kam to stay off the bus and stand right beside me. I sign Joey off the bus and he holds my hand as we walk home. We talk about his day and get a snack. We all four sit in the floor and play. About 2:30 pm, we put the toys away. I sweep the kitchen and vacuum the living room. The boys fight over what cartoon to watch. I decide I'm sick of the fighting so we go outside. I put Lexi in her walker and we watch the boys play. At 3:30 pm, Emily and Keegan get home. The fighting resumes. Can I pull my hair out now?
Em and Keeg decide they want to go to Aunt Donna and Kelly's so we climb in the van. I buckle Lexi up and Emmy tries to help Kam and Joey buckle up. After a few minutes I do it myself and thank her for her help. I get them to Kelly's and Kam starts crying, "I want Telly." He cries all the way home and for about 10 minutes after we get home. I'm hoping this is one of those days where Kelly and Matt take them to the park.
Wade gets home about 4:20 pm. He comes in, asks how our day was, changes, and sits on the couch. I hand him Lexi and head to the kitchen to make dinner. The boys keep coming in the kitchen asking for stuff. I finally yell at them to go sit down. Wade gets on to them and I yell at him. I get dinner made and everyone a plate made. We eat and then it's time for a bath for the kiddos. Get them out and give the boys their allergy meds. It's now around 6:30-7:00 pm. Time for Joey to snuggle with Daddy on the couch and Kam to sit with Mommy in the chair. By 8:00 pm they are both out so Wade carries them to bed. Sometime between 8:30 and 10:00 pm, Wade and I head to bed.
Somewhere in all of this, I've changed a few more diapers, nursed Lexi a few more times, picked up toys more times than I should have, and done all of it while battling depression, feeling worthless, and being full of anger. Somedays I'm able to fit a shower in. I have to make myself do the dishes and the laundry, but I promise, it does get done. That's one of my days in a nutshell.
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Just me |